Trade with Greece - 2011 - page 104

he construction sector is waiting for both
the resolution of pending issues, and the
tendering of new small and large-scale
projects that will offer a lifeline for many compa-
nies. According to the Ministry of Infrastructure,
maturity procedures have been accelerated in
2011 in regard to a series of studies and projects,
worth €2.5 billion, which are expected to reach
completion by 2015.
In regard to institutional matters, in 2011 the con-
struction sector is in the process of evaluating
and anticipating the implementation of new legis-
lation for the tendering and production of public
works. The Minister of Infrastructure, Dimitris
Reppas, has presented the new system to the
cabinet. In accordance with the provisions of the
system, those wishing to undertake public works
in Greece should be aware of the main principles
of the draft law for the “amendment of the system
for the preparation of studies, the carrying out of
public works and the creation of an authority for
the checking of studies and projects”.
According to the draft law, the initial study phase is
totally segregated from the other phases, whenev-
er the study concerns technical works whose
design requires the consideration of alternative
solutions. In this case, three preliminary studies are
assigned, against a predetermined fee. Following
the delivery of the studies, the best solution is grant-
ed an environmental license, and a new tender is
proclaimed for the remaining phases.
The contracts shall be awarded by committees
comprising five members (or, exceptionally, three
members when the contract is awarded to the
Trade with Greece
By Panayotis Efthimiades
In anticipation of
government initiatives
This year is expected to turn out to be a crucial one
for Greece’s construction sector. Local and foreign
construction companies are waiting for the govern-
ment, and more specifically the Ministry of
Infrastructure, to take action, while there are still
many pending issues, such as the negotiation of exist-
ing concession agreements, as well as the new ten-
dering system for public works.
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