They also provide for the establishment of an
integrated network for the support of green entre-
preneurship that will be promoting new markets,
new business partnerships, specialized informa-
tion searches, the preparation of programs for the
collective marketing of green products and the
exchange of expertise. Moreover, the promotion
of firms offering energy advice and energy-saving
oriented services.
The measures that will be implemented by 2013
also include the promotion and support of green
subcontractors, while green enterprises will have
easier access to capital, through a system for the
provision of banking loan guarantees and the
connection of green enterprises to the banking
system and its instruments.
These measures will be mainly designed to:
increase the banking products’ efficiency for
covering the needs of green enterprises;
cover green business plans that promote envi-
ronmental protection and environment-friendly
business management.
size, while further incentives will be offered for
increasing the use of more energy-efficient
household appliances as soon as the economic
situation permits. A “cash for clunkers” plan will be
implemented for hybrid or energy efficient cars.
The government’s interventions emphasize on,
and provide incentives for, the combined genera-
tion of electricity in the country’s government
buildings and hospitals, as well as in private sec-
tor buildings, such as hotels, greenhouses, facto-
ries, airports.
Green manufacture and services
Green entrepreneurship is related to two policy
pillars, namely the creation of new business activ-
ities and quality jobs in the fields of energy, waste
management and water, and the manner that
existing enterprises will adapt to the new situa-
tion, minimizing their impact on the environment
and gaining, at the same time, competitive advan-
tages in the global market.
The government believes that the full growth pre-
scribed by the new growth model cannot be
achieved without boosting entrepreneurship. Green
growth can open new fields of activity and new mar-
kets for resourceful entrepreneurs, willing to take
initiative and combine the assumption of business
risks with the protection and upgrading of the envi-
ronment. According to the Ministry, this policy con-
cerns, and depends on, existing or new entrepre-
neurships or young scientists interested in being
engaged in business endeavours with environmen-
tally or ecologically sustainable prospects.
New green business activities
New green business activities refer to the produc-
tion of intermediate goods and the provision of
services aimed at making the entire production
chain “greener” ― from the construction sector
and the services sector to the production, distri-
bution, promotion and marketing of final goods
with environment-friendly features.
Green entrepreneurship combines the assump-
tion of business risk with initiatives aimed at pro-
tecting the environment. The combination of prof-
it and social recognition provides a set of power-
ful incentives for promoting green entrepreneur-
ship. The main aim is to ensure that businesses
are capable of coping with global competition and
respond to demand for environment-friendly prod-
ucts. The policies are designed to encourage the
extroversion of green enterprises, by supporting
export activities and the development of entrepre-
neurial activities in Balkan, Black Sea and
Mediterranean countries through integrated pro-
motion and advertisement programs.
Trade with Greece