system marginal price for a given time period. A
plan has already been drawn for developing the
interconnected grid, in order to utilize RES and
support the islands’ interconnection to it, with the
aim of covering their energy needs and develop-
ing RES. Plans also provide for the promotion of
other types of RES, which can be utilized in
Greece, such as geothermal, as well as the sys-
tematic exploitation of the energy content of
urban and agricultural waste and residues.
A “Renewable Energy Sources Fund” will also be
established in cooperation with the Public Power
Corporation, the Greek banking system and vari-
ous investors, designed to promote the growth of
grams, co-financed by the EU and aligned with
green growth goals (mostly national assistance
and NSRF programs). At the same time, declining
industries will adapt by utilizing their human
resources and deploying new technologies for the
production of environment-friendly products.
Green Energy & RES
Energy saving and the promotion of RES, along
with the development of know-how and technolo-
gy with the aim of turning Greece into a net
exporter in the RES sector, are part of the initia-
tives and plans. According to plans, the promotion
of RES will enhance energy security and will
drastically contribute to the further differentiation
of the country’s energy sources.
Energy strategy provides for the maximum pos-
sible and economically feasible penetration of
RES technologies and applications, as well as the
research & development, production and export
of innovative RES equipment, along with the rele-
vant know-how. Three new factories for the inte-
grated and vertical production of RES equipment
have already come on-stream, while another two
have been licensed and are under construction.
The Ministry for the Environment estimates that
the implementation of the first stage of the plan
will create 20,000 green jobs. This program is co-
financed by EU, Greek state and private sector
funds. It aims at creating quality jobs in the RES
sector, mainly in the field of energy saving, as well
as in other sectors related to green growth. This
may be realized through the redesign of the
NSRF. A large portion (€100 bn) of the package
for enhancing the economy has been earmarked
for investments designed to create “green” jobs
through RES penetration and energy savings in
the household sector. The purpose of the meas-
ures focus is to turn RES into a more competitive
option for both businesses and consumers on the
national economy level as compared to other
energy sources, through support from the public
investment budget.
RES measures
The zoning plan for energy will be completed in
2011. According to the plan, there will be no
restrictions to RES installation, with the exclusion
of special protection areas. The simplification of
procedures will be coupled with cutting down on
red tape, streamlining lending procedures and
strictly adhering to the law, especially in regard to
deadlines. The same set of measures provides
for guaranteed prices for the purchase of electric-
ity from small/medium producers for the next 5
years, which in no case shall be lower than the
Trade with Greece