Trade with Greece 2016 - page 12

he Ministry of Economy, Development
and Tourism is planning a set of incen-
tives, which will be implemented shortly
within the framework of the new development
planning. It should be stressed, however, that the
effectiveness of development planning is subject
to the following prerequisites: a) conclusion of the
adjustment programme’s assessment, b) ensuring
debt sustainability, and c) return of the domestic
credit system from the cost-inducing ELA scheme
to regular and less costly funding by the European
Central Bank. The initiatives to be implemented will
aim at altering the landscape in a series of sectors
and reversing any negative trends. The following is
a concise description of the next steps that the
Ministry is determined to take.
The new development institutions, which com-
prise the Development Council, the new
Investment Law and the Development Fund, are
already in a mature implementation stage. These
institutions are expected to fill an existing void in the
country’s strategic planning and will hopefully lead
to the profound reconsideration of the overall direc-
tion of the Greek economy, the amendments that
Trade with Greece
It is needless to emphasise how important this
publication is in regard to the promotion of
Greek entrepreneurship and the attraction of
international interest for investments; for the
past many years, the key role of ACCI has been
more than evident in organising the perspectives
and growth opportunities of entrepreneurial
Its leading role is continuously evolving along
with global economy trends and beyond that,
the ACCI undertakes additional responsibilities
in a period when the markets are characterised
by severe uncertainty, reluctance, and a fragile
Endogenous growth,
improved entrepreneurial
environment and
sustainable investment
By Alexis Charitsis,
Deputy Minister of
Development &
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