tion of dealings not only between businesses and
the tax administration, but also between busi-
nesses and their clients.
The list of targets and actions is long. We are con-
vinced that upgrading the quality of the training
offered to the Secretariat’s staff will play a central
role in meeting these targets in the next few
years. To this end, we are increasing our efforts to
establish the Tax Academy of the GSPR, both for
newcomers and for existing employees.
The challenge is indeed very big.
The success of the entire venture is crucial, for
two reasons:
First, for meeting the revenue targets with trans-
parency and tax justice, and second, for cultivat-
ing a sense of responsibility in individuals and
legal entities alike.
Cooperation from the part of the business world is
absolutely essential for the achievement of these
And I take it for granted.
Trade with Greece
incomes, instead of the imposition of ineffective
fines, which in the past caused overdue obliga-
tions towards the state to swell out of proportion.
Creating non-collectible overdue claims is
absolutely meaningless. On the contrary, it
inflates the numbers, making even harder to deal
with the problem, and making the daily operation
of businesses and their interaction with the tax
authorities even costlier.
That said, winning the revenue bet does not hinge
only on improved collection. We also need projects
that will simplify communication between citizens
and businesses on one hand and the administra-
tion on the other, reducing the man-hours spent
for tax compliance. This will release time and
resources for the development of the taxpayers’
activities, which can lead to the growth of their
incomes and, consequently, the growth of tax rev-
In this context, we are promoting a series of inter-
ventions aimed at the almost complete digitalisa-