Trade with Greece 2016 - page 19

before; it stands by the side of private sector sec-
tor workers, who refuse to demonise capital and
We believe in structural change and market liber-
alisation. We also believe in, and aim at, devel-
oping the country’s comparative advantages.
Tourism, which I had the honour and the pleasure
of serving as Minister during 2012-2014, is a typ-
ical example of success. Because tourism saw the
implementation of a highly structured growth plan,
which led to the positive results of the previous
years. Because even favourable circumstances,
when and if they arise, need fertile ground in order
to produce results. And in tourism this ground had
been systematically prepared. With specific
reforms, a comprehensive growth plan and, of
course, with a modern approach. Let me stress
the importance of this modern approach, given
that the old productive model, on which we all
relied in the past, with the state being the “master”
of the Greek economy, has collapsed.
We need new decisions, and lots of hard work in
order to build, piece by piece, the country’s new
productive model. We new a new growth plan that
will promote sound entrepreneurship and will
enhance the country’s competitiveness. We are
talking about growth with certain priorities, a cer-
tain plan, and certain objectives. We are talking
about long-term and fair growth, which will seri-
ously take into account social cohesion and the
inequalities that, as it is well-known, are an
impediment to any country’s economic develop-
This is the greatest challenge we are facing. And
in order to succeed, we must think in new terms.
We must not keep to the beaten track. We, as a
state, must invest in new technology, energy, edu-
cation, innovation, in our country’s priceless and
untapped human resources. In the thousands of
young scientists who have left the country in order
to work abroad. These people, this huge national
asset, must be brought back.
We want to live in a country that defends common
interests and values. We want a country with a
reliable and stable tax regime that focuses on
encouraging domestic and foreign investment,
creates new jobs, and effectively copes with
We want a country characterised by transparency
and accountability, which defends the security of
its citizens, a country with a free market-oriented
economy, with less red tape and interventionism.
We want a country that inspires confidence,
instead of fear. Greece can and must get back on
the path of growth.
Trade with Greece
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