Trade with Greece 2016 - page 4

petitive tax regime, it is not possible for the
economy and employment to recover;
•revive investments, which have been frozen for
many months now. We need the immediate
activation of the Investment Law and the pro-
grammes of the NSRF, with new incentives for
large-scale productive investments, as well as
new tools for supporting small and medium-
sized, as well as innovative entrepreneurship.
We do not any more have the luxury of squan-
dering available resources on piecemeal actions
that do not add up to growth;
•establish a clear national growth plan, which will
be adhered to, irrespective of the alternation of
persons or parties in government.
This plan should focus on exploiting the coun-
try’s comparative advantages through the cre-
ation of new innovative industries producing
internationally competitive goods, the differenti-
ation and upgrading of traditional manufacturing
production, and the enhancement and promo-
tion of new, extrovert, high-added-value sectors;
•expedite reforms designed to improve the coun-
try’s investment environment: to reform public
administration, improve the dispensation of
justice, create conditions of real competition in
the markets, and establish a more simple and
stable institutional framework with clear-cut
rules that apply to all.
Greek businesses demand from the political sys-
tem stability, serious governance, and reforms.
Trade with Greece
Greek businesses, having
weathered the shocks of the
past few years, need a sustain-
able environment in order to
get back on their feet, regain
their dynamism, and plan for
their future. What they
demand from the political
system is stability, serious
governance, and reforms.
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