Trade with Greece - 2013 - page 114

More specifically, out of a total of 30.9 hectares of
extreme beauty, 19.2 are owned by Astir Palace
SA (a National Bank subsidiary) and 11.6
hectares are controlled by the Hellenic Republic
Asset Development Fund (HRADF).
The Astir complex includes the “Arion Resort &
Spa, The Luxury Collection” and “The Westin
Athens” hotels, with capacities of 123 and 162
rooms respectively, which also include fully
equipped conference halls, a 58 bungalow com-
plex, luxury restaurants, an administration building
and sporting venues, car parking areas, a heliport,
the Astir Beach, and the security and recep-
tion/main entrance building. The “Aphrodite”
hotel, a conference centre with underground
parking, the “9 Muses” club-restaurant and an
open-air facility capable of hosting 600-guest
events are currently being renovated, while the
Vouliagmeni marina is now considered as a sin-
gle entity.The expressions of interest must be
submitted by March 19.
In the forthcoming months, the National Bank plans
to initiate the sale of its, also owned, Grand Hotel, in
Rhodes. Another bank, Eurobank, is expected to
sell various properties, including three hotels in
Attica, Rhodes and Chania (Crete).
It should be noted that 24 hotels are for sale in
Attica, most of them in the centre of Athens; these
hotels are expected to gain added value through the
conversion of the Tae Kwon Do stadium in the
Faliron Delta into a Metropolitan Convention Centre.
Trade with Greece
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