● The range of special tourism infrastructures is
expanded, through the inclusion of facilities
concerning special forms of tourism (e.g. ther-
malism, invigoration, wellness, beauty, diving
tourism centres, facilities that promote environ-
mental, historical, religious or cultural ele-
ments etc.), provided that these are opera-
tionally integrated to the corresponding tourist
accommodations. The draft law also intro-
duces the concept of time-sharing, and pro-
vides for the creation of golf accommodations.
● A new tourist product is introduced, along with
the concept of condominium hotels, which can
be operating on long-term leases. This con-
cerns 4 or 5-star hotel accommodations, in the
form of independent apartments or villas, also
allowing the establishment of vertical and con-
dominium ownership, and their long-term
lease to third parties.
● There is also the option to lease tourist villas
for periods of up to three months per year. This
option is available to villas of at least 100
square meters.
● The draft law regulates issues related to the
designation, delineation, zoning and develop-
ment of Integrated Tourism Development
Areas (ITDA). ITDAs, which from now on must
operate on areas of more than 80 hectares,
owned by at least 85%, constitute organized
tourist activity receptors that have to include
tourist investments of a predetermined critical
mass, in order to ensure the sustainability of
the development programme, especially in
regions that are underdeveloped touristically.
The adequacy of these investments is
assessed during the review of the relevant pro-
posal for the creation of an ITDA.
● The draft law also sets the zoning conditions
for the construction of tourist facilities within
organized tourist activity receptors, and com-
posite tourist accommodations.
● It also specifies the documentation required for
the obtaining operating licenses for composite
tourist accommodations, which are combined
with special tourism infrastructures.
● The draft law specifies restoration zones, as
well as the general uses of land and the gen-
eral zoning conditions and restrictions for the
redevelopment of the Faliron Bay, Attica,
through the creation of an international confer-
ence centre.
● It also regulates issues related to special prop-
erty taxes and duties set out by Law
3342/2005. A special tax of 0.50%, in favour of
the relevant 1st degree Local Government
Organizations, is imposed on the revenues of
health-regulated establishments that operate
within the Olympic complexes and are exempt
from any other tax.
● Also, the draft law permits the construction of
temporary and prefabricated installations for
non-recurring events of a maximum duration of
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