resilient. We managed to reach our initial 2012
goal for international arrivals (16 million tourists).
The targets for 2013 are already being set even
higher: at 17 million international arrivals and €11
billion in international receipts. These targets will
increase tourism’s contribution to GDP to more
than 16% and will create 50,000 new jobs.
Greek tourism has a great potential to contribute
another 2-3 units to the country’s GDP in the next
2 to 3 years, reaching 20 million visitors. But this
is not our complete vision. Our vision for 2020
sees tourism playing a central role in the effort to
promote Greece’s economic and social develop-
ment. We envision a country that, above all,
ensures a high standard of living for its residents,
a country where people from all over the world
would like to live, either on a temporary or a per-
manent basis. A country that is pleasant to its
permanent residents, therefore pleasant and
appealing to its visitors, the temporary residents.
The recent development of SETE’s being recog-
nized as an equal Social Partner by the Greek
government, strengthens our position and gives
us greater responsibility towards our employees
and the state. Now is the time to revamp our col-
laborative power, work together and conquer our
mutual targets. We believe that today the state is
ready –more than ever before– to grasp the
tourism potential of the country and realize the full
prospect for development and growth.
Trade with Greece
Greek tourism has a great potential to contribute another 2-3
units to the country’s GDP in the next 2 to 3 years, reaching
20 million visitors.