ment and facilities; certification of quality assur-
ance and environmental management systems;
promotion-advertising, up to €15,000; software and
software services, up to €20,000; transportation
means, up to €15,000; invesment plan implementa-
tion follow-up, up to €2,500; market sur-
veys/research, up to €5,000 and up to €2,500/study;
Payroll costs up to €24,000, as follows: €12,000.00
per AWU (existing and/or new) and up to two AWUs.
The total budget amounts to 70,000,000 billion
3. "Start-Up Entrepreneurship" Programme
This programme aims at creating micro and
small, sustainable enterprises emphasising on
innovative business plans and boosting employ-
ment through the creation of sustainable new
jobs. The programme supports jobless individuals
(registered with the Greek unemployment agency
at the time the application is submitted), as well
as individuals who pursue a professional activity
(active freelance professionals, who did not
receive an old-age pension at the time of the
announcement) and/or partnerships/associations
of such persons, in order to establish a new enter-
Eligibility does not extend to freelance profes-
sionals pursuing a commercial activity.
The period for the submission of applications is
from 17/3/2016 to 27/4/2016.
The total budget of the programme amounts to
120,000,000 euros and eligible expenses include:
Operating costs (rent for professional
premises, electricity, mobile and fixed teleph-
ony, water, heating and other public use
expenses, incubator hospitality costs etc.)
Third party expenses (legal, consulting,
secretarial support, incubator services, draft-
ing and follow-up of business plans, profes-
sional training etc.)
Promotional activities, networking, par-
ticipation in expositions
Depreciation/equipment leasing
Acquisition/leasing of equipment
Procurement of consumables
Social security contributions paid by the
beneficiary (entrepreneur/partner)
Payroll cost of new job(s)
Expenses related to the preparation,
submission, registration and renewal of indus-
trial or intellectual property copyrights
4. "Fostering Self-Employment among Tertiary
Education Graduates" Programme
The aim of the programme is to support tertiary
education graduates, either unemployed or self-
employed, in starting/pursuing a professional
activity related to their field of expertise, in inde-
pendent professional premises that are not used
in any way as residence (primary or secondary).
Trade with Greece