Trade with Greece 2016 - page 44

Trade with Greece
• Development of human resources and access
to employment, focusing on the creation of
jobs, especially for young people;
• Promotion of social inclusion and combating
3. Protection of the environment
– Transition to
a more environmentally friendly economy:
• Protection of the environment;
• Fostering adaptation to climate change and
risk prevention;
• Shift to a low carbon economy.
4. Development – modernisation – completion
of infrastructures for economic and social growth:
• Transport networks focusing on the completion
of the Trans-European Transport Networks,
with vertical axes and multi-modal transport;
• Energy networks;
• Broadband networks.
5. Improvement of the institutional capacity
and efficiency of public administration and local
Given the above, the 7 sectoral Operational
Programmes were laid out as follows:
1. Operational Programme "Competitiveness,
Entrepreneurship and Innovation" (EPAnEK)
This programme finances actions and projects
that are mainly supported by the ERDF
(European Regional Development Fund), as well
as the ESF (European Social Fund), in order to
ensure that, along with investments, the needs for
human resource training and administrative
reform are also met. The strategic objective of
EPAnEK is to enhance business competitiveness
and extroversion, facilitate a shift towards qualita-
tive entrepreneurship spearheaded by innovation,
and enhance domestic added value. It signals a
great shift in the new development paradigm,
which showcases the key role of productive, com-
petitive and extrovert sectors, such as tourism,
agri-food, as well as processing and high-added-
value services, so as to increase the scale/size of
production units, accelerate the introduction of
new products/services that provide Greece and
the individual regions with competitive advan-
tages, and incorporate new knowledge, produc-
ing high quality products that are competitive on a
global scale.
2. Transport Infrastructure, Environment and
Sustainable Development Operational
Programme (YMEPERAA)
This programme encompasses multiple sectors
and funds (ERDF and CF) and through these
Funds mainly finances core transport and envi-
ronment infrastructures. Part of the budget per-
tains to the environment, and in particular the
Cohesion Fund, and is assigned to 13 ROPs, in
order to be managed by the Regional Authorities
mainly for realising liquid waste management
projects. As regards transportation, the objectives
of the OP “Transport Infrastructure, Environment
and Sustainable Development 2014-2020” per-
tain to the completion of the infrastructure for the
core TEN-T network corridors (roads, railways,
ports, airports), promoting combined transport
and the modernisation of the transport system,
enhanced road safety, as well as the develop-
ment of sustainable and eco-friendly urban trans-
port (fixed trajectory urban transport) to enhance
sustainable urban mobility. With regard to the
environment, the OP aims at environmental pro-
tection and development as a means to support
Greece’s transition to a more environmentally
friendly economy, fostering at the same time the
creation of competitive advantages across the
economy in order to make it easier to attract
investments and to provide opportunities in busi-
ness activities in the environment sector.
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