Trade with Greece
6. Rural Development Programme (RDP) on
the national level
Aims at the integrated development and sustain-
able competitiveness of the agricultural sector
through the transition to a strong, sustainable
agri-food system and the enhancement of the
rural areas’ added value. The management of
almost 30% of this programme is assigned to the
Regional Authorities.
7. Fisheries and Maritime Operational Programme
The OP’s main objectives are to enhance the
competitiveness of the aquaculture and process-
ing industries, the viability of the sea fisheries
sector and the sustainable development of areas
that traditionally depend on fisheries. The pro-
gramme also addresses the need to protect and
rehabilitate the marine environment and its living
resources, control fisheries activities, collect fish-
eries data and improve knowledge on the state of
the marine environment.
As far as businesses, in particular, are concerned,
the Ministry of Economy, after many months of
preparation (and waiting on the part of the interest-
ed parties), announced the first four programmes
of the Operational Programme "Competitiveness,
Entrepreneurship and Innovation" (EPAnEK). In
brief, the features of the new programmes are the
1. Programme “Upgrading of micro and small
enterprises by developing their skills in new
The programme will provide support to existing micro
and small enterprises operating in the 8 priority