Trade with Greece 2016 - page 45

Trade with Greece
3. Human Resources Development – Education
and Life Long Learning Operational Programme
This programme covers multiple sectors, is
financed by a single fund (ESF) and is the main
support tool for Greece that, in synergy with, and
complementary to the other OPs, will contribute to
economic recovery, as it includes comprehensive
policies designed to support the creation of sus-
tainable jobs, promote active inclusion in the
labour market (including the inclusion of vulnera-
ble social groups), improve the efficacy of the
Greek educational system, and establish a closer
link between education, training and life-long
learning and the labour market, with the main aim
of limiting and/or eliminating the social conse-
quences of the crisis and/or minimising the cost of
high unemployment.
4. Reform of the Public Sector Operational
Includes actions aimed at introducing reform
through new technologies and IT in the public
sector. The programme encompasses multiple
sectors and funds (ERDF and ECB). Public
administration efficacy is one of Greece’s key pri-
orities, since it affects all levels of operation, pro-
duction and development, being, at the same
time, a main precondition for the effective imple-
mentation of reforms in all sectors. The OP will
contribute to the national effort in order to ensure
that in the next few years Greek public adminis-
tration will be cohesive, well coordinated, flexible,
outward-looking and results-oriented, restoring
the relationship of trust between the state and the
citizens and businesses, providing citizen-centric
and continuously upgraded services, thus becom-
ing one of the main pillars for Greece’s recovery.
5. “Technical Assistance” Operational Programme
The programme aims at supporting the operation
and implementation of all OPs that are financed
by the Structural Funds.
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