Trade with Greece 2015 - page 125

Pablo Neruda - Mikis Theodorakis
Canto General
The Choeur du Canto choir and musicians
from Quimper, Brittany
Canto General
, by Pablo Neruda, a cry for
justice and dignity by the people of Latin America,
was converted in the hands of Mikis Theodorakis
into an epic call for democracy and freedom
against Greece’s military dictatorship, thus mak-
ing its way all over the world and speaking into
the people’s hearts through the impressive doric
voices of Maria Farantouri and Petros Pandis.
Canto General
continues to inspire both
audiences and artists all over the globe. This is
exactly what happened with the Choeur du
Canto, an exquisite choir for faraway Britanny that
will visit the Odeon of Herod Atticus this summer
in order to present this “work-symbol of freedom”,
on the occasion of the world-famous Greek com-
poser’s 90th birthday.
The director of the choir is composer, violinist and
Trade with Greece
Adam Cohen in Concert
Adam Cohen, son of the legendary Leonard
Cohen, recorded his last album,
We Go Home
(September 2014), at the old mansion his father
had purchased in Hydra in the 1960s. This loca-
tion was not randomly chosen, since this is a very
intimate set of songs that call childhood memo-
ries to mind. “This album reflects conversations
I’ve had with my father and ones I’d like to have
with my son,” Cohen stated in a recent interview.
The Hydra of his childhood days seems like the
most “beloved” of his many homes, which is why
the idyllic island will be at the core of many of the
songs he will perform at the Odeon of Herod
Atticus. The set list will include compositions from
all four of the Canadian songwriter’s albums, as
well as some of his father’s most famous songs.
The concert will feature an orchestra to be
announced soon.
Athens State Orchestra
Axion Esti
by Mikis Theodorakis
The Athens State Orchestra and the Greek
Festival join the celebrations for the 90th birthday
of Mikis Theodorakis (born on July 29, 1925) with
a major concert performance of
Axion Esti
, one of
the most emblematic works of poetry —by Nobel
laureate Odysseus Elytis— ever set to music, and
one of the masterpieces of Greek musical her-
itage. Dimitris Platanias (baritone) will perform
with the Athens State Orchestra as soloist, assist-
ed by the Choirs of the Municipality of Athens and
the University of Athens. The orchestra will be
conducted by Stefanos Tsialis.
Moonlight Sonata
by Yannis Ritsos
Music: Stavros Xarhakos
Musical interpretation: Marinella
Two famous personalities of contemporary Greek
music will meet for the first time on stage, under
the direction of Giorgos Nanouris. The occasion
for this performance is one of the most known and
beloved texts by Yannis Ritsos, a staged mono-
logue brimming with lyricism and meditation that
has left an indelible mark on Greek literature and
inspired Stavros Xarhakos to compose a new
musical work, to be interpreted by Marinella, one
of Greece’s legendary female singers. A unique
musical encounter at the imposing cultural space
of 260 Piraeus str.
Piano: Neoklis Neofytidis
[JULY 15, 16 & 17 / PEIRAIOS 260]
Mikis Theodorakis.
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