Moses during the Israelites captivity in Egypt. It is
not the first time Castellucci uses the figure of the
liberator, legislator and prophet. The stone tablets
with the Ten Commandments God entrusted with
His chosen one, were left blank in the perform-
ances of the
Tragedia endogonidia
, and the com-
mands of the powerful regarding the exercise of
violence were inscribed on them, to ensure that
order is preserved. In
Go down, Moses
, Biblical
episodes are projected in present time, allowing
the director to explore the origins of the forms,
and the ways these are perpetuated, while
changing at the same time. At odds with merely
imitating reality, this post-dramatic theatre chal-
lenges viewers to an experience-like perform-
ance. The stage takes on ontological dimensions
and the composition of on-stage images and their
unexpected alternation “penetrates the viscera in
order to arouse the spirit”. Of course, the title
down, Moses
also refers to the famous spiritual
song about the Afro-American slaves that
yearned for emancipation as the Hebrew slaves
yearned to be liberated from the bonds of Egypt.
A women’s performance collective, which was
founded in Berlin in 1993 and has, since then,
captured European audiences, has been invited
Trade with Greece
by the Athens Festival to perform in Greece for
the first time. She She Pop performances, distin-
guished for their humour, youthful intransigence,
spontaneity and straightforwardness, never hesi-
tate to call attention to social issues through the
performers’ own experiences.
“Who were we?” “Who are we?” “How did we
become like this?” These questions gave birth to
(meaning “drawers” in German).
Personal conflicts will find their historical dimen-
sion in the reunification of Germany following the
fall of the Berlin Wall. Three She She Pop per-
formers of East German descent, are sitting
across their West German peers. A meaningful
relationship starts to emerge, quite often remind-
ing of couples’ therapy.
[JULY 11 & 12 / PEIRAIOS 260]
Yannis Kakleas
The Acharnians
by Aristophanes
“When political corruption rules, Dikaiopolis takes
on an initiative for Peace, Justice and
Meritocracy. Aristophanes the politician is in fine
form!” says director Yannis Kakleas in regard to
, apparently also he himself in fine
form to embark on another Aristophanean
endeavour. Always unpredictable, he continues to
Thomas Ostermeier - Little Foxes.