Trade with Greece
that the other industrial sectors are plagued by
domestic recession, the heavy industry’s recov-
ery is not instantly obvious in the data regarding
industrial production. Nonetheless, the main con-
clusion from analyzing the data on industrial pro-
duction and industrial orders is that the compa-
nies that had taken measures to enhance their
extroversion are not only more resilient to the
domestic economic crisis but, in certain sectors
roduction lines that remained idle since
2008 are coming back on-stream, as
Greece’s major industrial units realize that,
in contrast to the domestic gloom, global demand
and product prices provide opportunities for
recovery. This trend is mostly evident in the raw
material and basic metals industries, which are
mainly export-oriented and their fortunes depend
on global economic conditions. Given, though,
The Smokestacks of
Industry are
Billowing Again
By Haris Floudopoulos
Optimism is on the rise as recovery seems possible
and orders are catching up, provided that Greek man-
ufacture becomes even more extrovert