Trade with Greece
hierarchical level who work for different Ministries.
Moreover, the aim is to link Public Sector salaries
with productivity. The draft law on the establish-
ment of the new payroll system will be tabled to
Parliament the latest by the end of June 2011,
while the savings from its enactment are estimat-
ed to more than €1 billion per year.
5. Medicines:
Electronic prescriptions are
becoming the norm. The Ministry of Health must
ensure that the use of electronic prescriptions for
diagnostic tests, which is presently being imple-
mented as a pilot project by the Civil Service
Insurance Organization (OPAD), is extended to
all social security funds. Moreover, the electronic
system will be extended to referrals to other spe-
cialist physicians, as well as to admissions for
inpatient care.
6. Hospitals
: The Ministry of Health will have
completed the hospital computerization program
by March. More specifically, it will complete the
centralization and integration of the hospitals’
information technology systems, as well as the
central management of data. This will enable the
preparation of quarterly, as well as annual,
reports, which will be forwarded to the Ministry of
Finance, while internal auditors will have been
appointed in all major Greek hospitals by late
7. Privatizations-Development of State
As part of the last update of the finan-
cial plan that has been agreed with the European
Union, the European Central Bank and the
International Monetary Fund, the government
pledged to implement an ambitious program for the