Trade with Greece
he government’s reform agenda includes
20 major challenges that need to be
addressed. This plan is front-loaded
(also in accordance with the Memorandum), with
the majority of changes occurring during the first
quarter of the year.
The reforms that the government is obliged to
implement include:
the opening of professions and services; the
implementation of a single payroll system in the
public sector; the drastic reduction in the number
of arduous and unhealthy occupations; drastic
If 2010 was the year of a draconian fiscal adjustment
and a 6 percentage point cut in the budget deficit,
the year 2011 can be easily be viewed as the year of
structural changes that will radically transform the
structure and operation of the Greek economy and
will lay the foundations for enhancing competitive-
ness, boosting growth and attracting new invest-
ments, with the aim of creating jobs.
An opportunity
for structural
By Sophia Dimtsa