Trade with Greece - 2011 - page 136

situation gives rise to scenarios that, if confirmed,
will significantly decrease the incomes of Greek
―and other European― farmers.
We cannot rule out the possibility of a 30% reduc-
tion in the assistance currently provided to farmers,
leading to cutbacks of almost €700 million.
Financial Programming and Budget Commissioner,
Janusz Lewandowski, has announced that EU farm
subsidies and, in general, CAP funds, should be
reduced to one third, from 40% today, of the EU
budget’s total expenditure, which currently stands
at approximately €130 billion.
The total amount allocated to agriculture and agri-
cultural development in 2010 stood, according to
data included in the draft community budget for
2011, at €57.8 billion, accounting for almost 42%
of total expenditure. A reduction to 1/3 ―given
current data, which change in accordance to
changes in the member-states’ GDP― translates
into a decrease of more than €12 billion in the
amount currently spent for supporting European
Trade with Greece
In this context, the government made, for the first time,
officially clear that it plans to “clear up” the Agricultural
Cooperatives sector.
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