Trade with Greece - 2014 - page 60

Trade with Greece
Until this date, very few people realize that the
experiment of Spain’s and Portugal’s accession to
the EC was extremely difficult. The dictatorships
that ruled both countries for many decades had
impeded, not only their growth, but also the mod-
ernization of their structures, the operation of their
productive base and the utilization of their human
resources. As countries that were predominantly
based on agriculture and fisheries, with a multi-
tude of social groups that continued to pursue
nomadic behaviours, Spain and Portugal entered
Europe without having an integration culture.
Nonetheless, the Greek side largely succeeded in
persuading both the decision-making centre of
Brussels, and the leaderships of these two states,
that they could cooperate and mutually develop
their primary and secondary sectors. At the same
time, Greece, having overcome its initial reserva-
tions, recognized that the European prospect pre-
sented the only way forward. This was made
apparent during the Intergovernmental Conference
for the negotiation of the Single European Act,
where the Greek presidency came up with specific
targets in regard to all major community issues.
This spirit was reflected on the initiatives regarding
the Community’s international role, the single
Community area, the protection of the environ-
ment, as well as the overall discussions on East-
West relations. What is really interesting, and
should be borne in mind, is that Greek policy
towards European issues had evolved and
changed, and that the initial cautiousness towards
the EEC had now been replaced by a pro-
European spirit, emphasizing on the concepts of
solidarity, cohesion and the balanced growth of the
Community. The second Greek presidency was
concluded at the majestic Castle of the Knights in
Rhodes, where the necessary foundations for
adopting the Social Charter of the Community
were laid. Jacques Delors, an emblematic figure,
stood at Greece’s side as a helper and valuable
ally during its second presidency. Not only did he
improve the country’s European profile, but also
increased its share of funds through the historic
“Delors Package”.
The third presidency
The third presidency was exercised from January
to June 1994, also with remarkable results, as
Greece was the first presiding country to actually
implement the Maastricht treaty, which estab-
lished the fully-fledged European Union (EU). The
presidency was exercised on the level of mem-
ber-state ministers, secretaries general and offi-
cials, while the EU incorporated Austria, Finland
and Sweden, signing the corresponding acces-
sion treaties. The decisions reached at the Corfu
Summit (June 24-25, 1994) represented, to a
great extent, the European Union’s dynamic and
effective response to the citizen’s everyday prob-
lems, the problem of unemployment, as well as
internal and external security, in order to ensure its
more transparent and democratic functioning.
However, they also represented answers to con-
cerns regarding the ability of a small member state
to promote and realize, in just six months, not only
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