becomes more flexible and efficient. Moreover, a
wide-ranging effort is being made to ensure full
transparency, without any exceptions, covering
the entire range of the state’s dealings with citi-
zens and businesses.
The first results are already visible. Greece’s
efforts are recognized, and the restoration of our
country’s reliability is gradually leading to positive
developments within the national economy.
Greek exports were markedly improved in 2010,
while all indicators show that Greek tourism and
Greek-owned ocean-going shipping, two sectors
where our country is among the world’s leaders,
will also pick up this year. This, in conjunction with
the recent decisions taken on the European level
for reducing the interest rate on the 110 billion
euro loan extended to Greece by the EU and the
IMF, as well as for extending its repayment, is
seriously improving our economy’s prospects.
Our effort will not stop here. Our resolve to coura-
geously deal with the crisis was only the begin-
ning of our effort to create a robust and sustain-
able economy.
Especially in regard to entrepreneurship and
investments in Greece, we are currently carrying
out a major reform. We are laying the foundations
for a sustainable productive model, emphasizing
on green growth, renewable energy sources, and
capitalizing on our country’s comparative advan-
tages, such as its natural environment and its
very rich and high-quality agri-food industry.
Moreover, we are investing in knowledge, tech-
nology and innovation.
Our aim is to build a creative and innovative
Greece. To this end, we are implementing a set of
changes, both for Greek companies and for for-
eign companies willing to invest in Greece. We
want to turn Greece into a magnet for attracting,
not only investment, but also fresh ideas and the
most creative forces, both from the country itself
and from abroad.
We have already simplified procedures for the
establishment and operation of businesses. The
same stands for large investments in Greece,
which will henceforth be approved, licensed and
pushed forward without delay, thanks to the “fast-
track” legislation that has been tabled to the
Greek Parliament. At the same time, the Greek
government is promoting an ambitious privatiza-
tion and state property development program,
thus generating new growth and job-creation
After a tough period, which tested our country’s
resilience, Greece is now gazing optimistically
into the future. It is shifting towards a sustainable
growth model, enhancing innovative entrepre-
neurship through multiple, financial and institu-
tional, incentives and offering opportunities for
high added value investments.
Trade with Greece
photo: Costas Lakafossis