nodal geographical position), shipping (Greece is
a historical maritime superpower), transports
(Greece is a geographical gateway), agriculture
(Greece produces agricultural products of high
quality), and last but not least, the excellent
human resources of limitless potential (Greeks
are creative, intelligent and knowledgeable) is a
matter of major importance. Our country has the
potential to become a renewable energy centre of
attraction, as well as an even stronger tourism
There is a new perspective in government affairs.
Major changes have taken place, bold reforms
have been put forward, and a new political way of
thinking is finally gaining momentum, one that is
completely new to our country's political history.
The country is virtually restarting.
Without the institutional changes we are advanc-
ing there is no point in discussing major foreign
investments, it is impossible to cultivate positive
expectations in international markets, and it is
hard to persuade our society and citizens that we
are determined to move on and ensure a cohe-
sive and developing country.
We ask that faith is put in a changing Greece, a
Greece making up for lost time, a Greece looking
to the future with certainty and confidence. This is
the goal we are striving towards. We are obliged
to seek quality in each choice we make. We are
not, and we cannot become, an economy based
on quantity. But we can achieve growth based on
our quality characteristics, our own competitive
The law on the "Acceleration and Transparent
Implementation of Strategic Investment", also
known as “Fast Track”, is practically the starting
point of our endeavour, aiming at investments
that focus on innovation, know-how, a multiplying
effect on the GDP, creating jobs and the ability to
create positive market perceptions on an interna-
tional level. This is essentially the definition of
“Strategic Investments”.
The “Invest in Greece” agency will, in its new
form, constitute the business arm of strategic
investments, and decisively assist in the country's
effort to achieve the growth we so seriously need.
This is the outline of our plan, which, combined
with reforms aimed at reducing bureaucracy and
corruption and enhancing e-government, will
comprise the most essential foundation in attract-
ing, accelerating and simplifying the process of
investing in our country.
Trade with Greece
A photo from the official visit to Qatar, as the Minister of State, Mr. Pamboukis, and the Deputy Minister for the Environment,
Energy and Climate Change, Mr. Sifounakis (on the left), are updated on Qatari projects throughout the world.