Trade with Greece
In general, Alpha Bank argues that, in the forth-
coming years, the domestic economy is expected
to demonstrate that it’s capable of producing high
quality and much more competitive goods (prod-
ucts and services). This will be done through the,
more effective henceforth, involvement of the,
doubtlessly capable, Greek entrepreneurial world
and, moreover, through the inflow of foreign direct
investment in all the country’s regions and indus-
tries. The already accelerated privatization drive
and the speeding up of the procedures for the
development of the state’s –and the church’s–
property is, obviously, a significant step towards
the right direction.
This is why the loyal opposition does, out of “patri-
otic duty”, whatever it can to ward off any direct
productive investment in Greece.
Finally, it should be noted that the banks’ recapi-
talization will be another positive development for
the economy and all productive activity in 2013,
also leading to a return of savings to the Greek
banking system. Under these circumstances, we
should expect an increase in the country’s capac-
ity utilization rate, a trend that will, naturally, facil-
itate a decrease in unemployment, with the simul-
taneous creation of new jobs in new industries.
So, the year 2013 has a bright side – provided
that this is not dimmed by those who wish to pur-
sue their own shady plans.
The year 2013 has a
bright side - provided
that this is not dimmed
by those who wish to
pursue their own shady