NSRF for enhancing the liquidity of SMEs, and
accelerate the implementation of the relevant
actions. For the more efficient and faster chan-
nelling of these funds to the market, we have
proposed the involvement of the Union of
Hellenic Chambers of Commerce and Industry,
through the formation of special committees at
local chambers throughout the country.
Encourage the banking system to provide
SMEs with liquidity through the National
Hellenic Fund of Entrepreneurship and
Development (900 million euros) and the
JEREMIE initiative (600 million euros).
Proceed with the formation of the SME
Guarantee Fund, which has already been
approved by the EIB, in order to provide SMEs
with additional liquidity of 1 billion euros by the
end of 2013.
Additional measures are also required, such as:
The immediate activation of the New Economy
Development Fund (TANEO).
The enhancement of the resources available
to the “Extroversion” initiative of the Export
Credit Insurance Organization (OAEP), which
provides small and medium-sized exporters
with low-interest funds.
The third priority must be the immediate payment
of the State's debts to businesses – or the provi-
sion of corresponding guarantees that can be
used as collateral by banks.
How can we demand from businesses to be credit
-worthy and fulfil their obligations, when the gov-
ernment itself acts like the worst payer? It is a
matter of equity in the relations between the State
and the businesses; it is a matter of survival for
SMEs; it is matter of reliability for the entire Greek
economy. Therefore, two things are necessary:
The fastest possible payment of the State's
debts to businesses, including the debts of
local government organizations.
The implementation of the European Directive,
which stipulates that the State must settle its
debts towards businesses within 30 to 60 days.
Today, in a critical period for both the present and
the future of the Greek economy, Small and
Medium-sized Enterprises can play a central role.
They can be a pillar of growth and employment;
they can be instrumental for the restructuring of
the country's productive base.
But first, they have to survive. And to survive, they
need oxygen. They need liquidity, and the State
must do whatever it takes to enhance it.
Trade with Greece
Today, in a critical period
for both the present and
the future of the Greek
economy, Small and
Medium-sized Enterprises
can play a central role.