positive: the wider area of the South-Eastern
Mediterranean has attracted the interest of the
so-called “oil-majors”, following the significant dis-
coveries made in Israel and Cyprus. Given that
there is inter-party consensus on the issue, the
field of hydrocarbon exploration becomes the
focal point for the implementation of Greece's
“national energy strategy”. After all, the develop-
ments in Cyprus and the remarkable prospects of
exploration in Greece, have attracted attention all
over Europe and have been included in the ener-
gy agenda of Brussels. Although these discover-
ies are soon to be reevaluated at the senior level,
nvestments, jobs, tax revenues and royal-
ties: the oil exploration and production mar-
ket has literally risen from its ashes, creating
well-grounded expectations that it can become a
pillar for Greece's recovery and growth. After fif-
teen years of inactivity, major steps were recently
taken in order to restart hydrocarbon exploration
and establish the conditions for attracting invest-
ments in the sector. The first fruits of these efforts
are already visible; however, we still have a long
way to go until the rigs are actually installed in
In any case, the market's momentum is rather
Trade with Greece
Oil and gas
exploration changes
the energy map of
the Mediterranean