on-stream in regard to other types of RES (geot-
hermal energy, solar energy, hybrid applications).
On the licensing front, new licenses to install a
mere 0.26MW of additional generating capacity
were issued as per June 2011 (against a total of
1,900.36MW), while there was a major increase
(68%) in the number of power purchase agree-
ments (2,668.6MW). It is, therefore, safe to pre-
dict that the targets set for the years 2014 and
he total installed capacity of RES elec-
tricity generating facilities in Greece
increased by almost 28% in the first
nine-months of 2011, reaching 2,213.75MW.
Wind power remains the dominant form of renew-
able energy, with a total installed capacity of
1.5GW, followed by photovoltaic systems with
460.4MW, small hydro projects with 206MW, and
biomass with 44.5MW. No projects have yet gone
Trade with Greece