extroversion for the Greek economy, the perform-
ance of 2011 WILL BECOME the springboard for
finally overcoming the inefficiencies of the past.
IT WILL MOBILIZE new productive forces. IT
WILL ESTABLISH the conditions for a stable
business environment. IT WILL REDEFINE
Greece's place in the global market and WILL
REVERSE any negative perceptions that have
been created.
This is not wishful thinking, but a firm belief,
based on the country's actual assets: its people
and their expertise, its natural environment and
GIVE GREECE A CHANCE: this is the motto of a
successful international campaign for supporting
Greece. We are not asking for handouts; we are
stating to the whole world that we Greeks are ready
to make the best of this opportunity. Not because it
is owed to us, but because we deserve it.
We, the Panhellenic Exporters Association, are
calling all healthy forces, all young entrepreneurs,
all young people in general, in the periphery and
in urban areas, in the primary, as well as in the
service sectors, to venture with extroversion. To
venture, not to gamble.
In the era of information, exports and internation-
al trade are not a gamble – they are a sound and
promising business option.
We will assist and support all exporting efforts,
and will continue to offer solutions and sugges-
tions for effectively supporting extrovert entrepre-
A strong chain of public-private partnerships, with
the support from banking institutions, is already
being formed. We have both the tools and the
means for fostering entrepreneurial activity. We
just need to believe in ourselves, and use our
As Samuel Johnson, the English author would
say: “Self-confidence is the first requisite to great
undertakings”. And the proven dynamism of
Greek exports fills us with confidence that
Greece's extrovert entrepreneurship is capable of
great undertakings.
Trade with Greece