2. Black truffle
(the so-called “black diamond”).
Annual cultivation costs reach up to 10,000
euros per hectare, while yields may reach 30-
50 kilos per hectare over a 12-year horizon.
Given that prices range from 600 to 1,500
euros per kilo, it is obvious that a small organ-
ized farm can generate a hefty profit. This
product is held in high esteem abroad, espe-
cially in France, and supply cannot fulfil
demand. It is used in
haute cuisine
, and com-
bined with other ingredients it can offer incred-
ible tastes, thus being a “treasure” not only in
the business, but also in the culinary sense.
3. Sea buckthorn.
This is the most ancient plant
in the world, containing 190 basic elements
that are necessary to the human body, making
it incomparable to any other product. It is a real
booster for humans, since it reduces stress
and anxiety, fortifies the immune system,
reduces the potential for all types of cancer,
enhances the heart, and helps dissolve blood
clots thanks to its powerful antioxidant proper-
ties. The above are enough to render it the
most valuable ally of the human body. The sol-
diers of Alexander the Great used sea-buck-
thorn fruits for themselves and their horses,
acquiring unparalleled strength in the battle-
field. One of the properties of this plant is that
it thrives at altitudes of up to 1,800 meters in
Greece (in Russia it grows at 3,000 meters!),
while it can withstand temperatures ranging
from minus 40 to 42 degrees Celsius!
The product's yields per hectare can reach
8,000-12,000 kilos, while prices range from
1.80-2.70 euros/kg. Therefore, we are talking
about an average annual income of 20,000
euros per hectare, only from the plant's fruit. Its
leaves are also used as a herbal tea (this is the
tea of the Chinese!). One hectare of a five-year
old plantation may yield 1,200-1,500 kilos,
which are sold at prices ranging from 5 to 12
euros per kilo. Therefore, there is an extra
potential income of 15,000 euros, raising the
annual yield per hectare to 35,000 euros!
4. Cowberry.
Another dynamic crop, whose fruit
help fortify the human body, shielding it from all
diseases. Annual cultivation and harvesting
costs stand at 15,000 euros per hectare, while
yields can reach 10,000-12,000 kilos. The
prices of the product range from 4 to 5 euros,
meaning that in a “good year” revenues may
reach 50,000-60,000 euros and net profits
40,000-45,000 euros per hectare.
5. Escargots
. Snail farming (or heliciculture) has
high installation costs, which may reach
120,000 euros per hectare. That said, this is
where the easy part begins. When heliciculture
starts yielding results, annual output can reach
30 tons per hectare, while escargots are sold
from 3.20 to 3.70 euros per kilo. Therefore,
annual income per hectare may reach 100,000
euros, while annual maintenance costs stand
at approximately 15,000 euros. Hence, the
investment can be amortized in 2-3 years.
Trade with Greece